Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Physical Transformation 2014 and beyond

I am on a two week juice fast. I am 3 days in! Drinking nothing but fresh fruits and vegetables. This takes a lot of discipline but I know my body will thank me for it. My only food source is liquid juicing. I juice carrots, kale, broccoli, apples and cucumbers. When I drink the mixture I feel great because I know I am giving my body the proper nourishment. I am also engaging in deep meditation during this period. I am determined to become physically fit and also reach an even higher Spiritual plane. Elevating the mind is a complete process. We must recharge our bodies as well as our minds. I will continue this health regimen indefinitely. I will continue juicing each month from one to two weeks and after each fast when I incorporate solid foods I will make healthy food choices. I love the saying: "We must eat to live and not live to eat" This is so true. Many years I indulged in all the wrong foods neglecting my Temple. I am fully aware of this now. One should not elevate their mind and neglect the physical. I feel very good and my mind feels as if it has also been rejuvenated. My physical transformation won't happen overnight but I am anticipating the new me!