Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Does Africa Want Us Back?

I came across a post online which asked the question does Africa want us back. Many feel Africans born in the Motherland would not want us Africans born in the States Repatriating back to Africa. The truth is due to Social Engineering many Africans of the Diaspora have become products of their Environment. Many have lost touch with their identity. This is why Duel Citizenship is a great concept. Many People of African descent are not open to the idea of Repatriation but would be more open to having duel Citizenship in  African Countries. I feel it is a misconception that Africans would not want to Unite with their Brothers and Sisters abroad. Many times it is the other way around. I have witnessed Brothers and Sisters snubbing Africans who have moved to the States. This is disgraceful and shows lack of Unity. When I see African families I will usually walk up and welcome them or give them a warm and friendly smile. The truth of the matter is if we show them Love most likely  they will reciprocate. I am not ready to grasp the concept that Africans don't want us Africans of the Dispora in Africa. I am interested in how others feel about this topic. We must bridge the gap between Africans abroad. This is the only way we will build a strong African Nation.