Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Does Religion Stifle Black Unity?

There are numerous Religious sects in the World. In Christianity alone their are countless denominations. To many to list in this blog post. The question is, what role does Religion play in the division of our People. It is a known fact that many Religious groups break off into separate entities refusing to fellowship with other Religious groups. Thinking back to the Civil Rights Movement many of our People came together under one umbrella despite Religious preferences. It seems they United first based on their obvious commonalities which were oppression, discrimination, being impoverished etc. This was a crucial time which warranted the People to band together and become allies fighting the same fight. It is a known fact that when we multiply we increase our Power and the ability to rise above obstacles in our view. Let's think back to the African Diaspora, our People were taken from their homeland and forced to migrate all over the world.

This was the worse atrocity committed against our People. It created a disconnect from our roots in Mother Africa. Many of us no longer identify as Africans. Many of us have become unattached to our African Ancestors. My analysis of the situation is summed up by using the following parable. When you separate the root of a plant from soil you stifle the plant's growth. This is why we are so divided as a People. We have been uprooted from our homeland and indoctrinated with eurocentric ideologies. The truth is we were never truly released from slavery. They may have removed the physical shackles but they replaced them with mental shackles and the worse form of imprisonment is the enslavement of ones mind. The dilemma with Religion is, Religion is a very powerful source so powerful that many will die for their beliefs. We need to figure out how to come together without interfering with the belief system of our Brothers and Sisters.

When we accomplish that task then we will witness the global Unity that we have sought for so many years. I believe the first step in obtaining global Unity is to rid ourselves of the slave mentality many of us have adapted as a result of the enslavement of our Ancestors. We also need to deem our Ancestors as being worthy of the highest honor known to man. When we learn to Unite despite Religious differences then we will ensure that our Ancestors suffering was not in vain. Religion has been present for many years and by now we are all aware that Religion will remain. Therefore, we don't need to waist time debating with one another on who's Religious belief is supreme instead we need to enforce setting Religion aside while we focus on reclaiming our roots, obtaining global Unity and breaking free from the mental shackles that enslave many minds.

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