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Wednesday, September 2, 2015
We Need a Global Coalition
Many lives are being lost by the hands of the police. There are marches and protest in various cities but what will it take to spark a global movement, one that will demand justice for our brothers and sisters world wide? It is time we rally locally and abroad to raise awareness of the slaughter of Africans. We need the same mindset as Kwame Ture, Marcus Garvey, Harriet Tubman and all the others who stood up for the rights of our people. Our future is uncertain if we don't join together to halt the genocide of our brothers and sisters. The time is now. Will we ever be able to organize a global coalition? How many more lives will we loose? We must turn up for justice, turn up for unity while turning down the hate and separation within our race.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
My Physical Transformation 2014 and beyond
I am on a two week juice fast. I am 3 days in! Drinking nothing but fresh fruits and vegetables. This takes a lot of discipline but I know my body will thank me for it. My only food source is liquid juicing. I juice carrots, kale, broccoli, apples and cucumbers. When I drink the mixture I feel great because I know I am giving my body the proper nourishment. I am also engaging in deep meditation during this period. I am determined to become physically fit and also reach an even higher Spiritual plane. Elevating the mind is a complete process. We must recharge our bodies as well as our minds. I will continue this health regimen indefinitely. I will continue juicing each month from one to two weeks and after each fast when I incorporate solid foods I will make healthy food choices. I love the saying: "We must eat to live and not live to eat" This is so true. Many years I indulged in all the wrong foods neglecting my Temple. I am fully aware of this now. One should not elevate their mind and neglect the physical. I feel very good and my mind feels as if it has also been rejuvenated. My physical transformation won't happen overnight but I am anticipating the new me!

Sunday, October 13, 2013
Monday, October 7, 2013
We Need a Global African Movement
I sense the urgency to reach out to the People in our communities and beyond. We need to band together and spark a major movement. We need the type of movement Brothers and Sisters established back in the days when the Black Power fist was waved while yelling "Power To The People" Why are we so far from this now. Many have become desensitized to the global oppression of Africans. We need many more Brothers and Sisters to be the voice for those who can't speak and march forward for those who are immobilized by fear. We have made some progress since the days of the public lynchings of Africans and due to this partial victory many are blinded by the illusion of freedom but we are not by any means free. I think back to the Trayvon Martin case, a young African man gunned down in cold blood while his killer walks free and many other similar cases which speaks volumes about the illusion of freedom. I look at the statistics of Brothas incarcerated and I feel sadness. Those who conspire against us knew Africans were powerful melanated People so they utilized many mechanism to systematically poison the minds of our People such as bringing dope into the communities. The only way to combat the mechanisms utilized to break us down is to free our minds and Unify with one another. We become our own worst enemy when we refuse to unite and hold each other down. We are also wasting precious time seeking others to rescue us, why are we waiting on a Black leader to carry the torch for our People? If we look to our left and right and see very few leaders we can not become complacent we must begin to carry our own torches and lead ourselves to freedom. I am optimistic that we can rise as a Nation of People but first we must break the mental shackles which enslaves many of our minds.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Civil Rights Movement 2013? Is It Possible?
We all have heard the famous speech of Dr. Martin Luther King. His words exactly were " I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land." I have pondered over this for quite sometime. My question is what is the Promise Land and will we ever reach that place. Little has changed since the days of the Civil Rights Movement. Those who wore white robes with holes cut out in the eyes and called themselves the ku klux klan are still practicing their hatred for Africans world wide. The only difference is many of them have traded in their white robes for business suits, judicial robes, police uniforms, white supremacy groups etc. Society is still inflicting pain and suffering upon our People. Let's take a look at the statistics of the mass incarcerations of Black men. I read a recent poll which gave the alarming comparison of Africans enslaved and Brothers currently imprisoned. The statistics showed there are more Brothers incarcerated than there were Africans enslaved in 1850.
This is unacceptable and shows we are still under siege. Racial profiling is another assassination against People of African descent. Many have lost their lives due to racial profiling. Look at the case of Rekia Boyd a 22 year old Sister killed by the Chicago Police because her cell phone was mistaken for a gun. These cases are surfacing at a steady pace. The African race is on the radar for elimination. The thought of a new Civil Rights Movement may be far fetched but let's imagine for a moment, what would be our main demands, how would we convince other Africans to join us and fight globally for our rights?
The truth is, many of our People are a product of Social Engineering which means they have become a product of their environment. They are content with the injustice and other obstacles placed in our paths by those who oppress us. This means most likely forming a new Civil Rights type movement would not be an easy task. I would say the first step would be to deprogram the minds of many of our People and reprogram the minds with the concept that we are all Africans. The next step would be to eliminate Organizations and create one global Organization fighting for the same cause. The problem with Organizing is, many groups branch off into separate entities and are only useful to those who are a part of their Organization. During the Civil Rights Movement you had many groups but they were all fighting the same fight. We have not yet overcome and we will not break the barriers until we unite as one.
This is unacceptable and shows we are still under siege. Racial profiling is another assassination against People of African descent. Many have lost their lives due to racial profiling. Look at the case of Rekia Boyd a 22 year old Sister killed by the Chicago Police because her cell phone was mistaken for a gun. These cases are surfacing at a steady pace. The African race is on the radar for elimination. The thought of a new Civil Rights Movement may be far fetched but let's imagine for a moment, what would be our main demands, how would we convince other Africans to join us and fight globally for our rights?
The truth is, many of our People are a product of Social Engineering which means they have become a product of their environment. They are content with the injustice and other obstacles placed in our paths by those who oppress us. This means most likely forming a new Civil Rights type movement would not be an easy task. I would say the first step would be to deprogram the minds of many of our People and reprogram the minds with the concept that we are all Africans. The next step would be to eliminate Organizations and create one global Organization fighting for the same cause. The problem with Organizing is, many groups branch off into separate entities and are only useful to those who are a part of their Organization. During the Civil Rights Movement you had many groups but they were all fighting the same fight. We have not yet overcome and we will not break the barriers until we unite as one.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Are We Our Own Worst Enemy?
Many People speak of Repatriation and how wonderful it would be for all of our People to Unite as one in the Mother Land. I have also sat many times and envisioned everyone rejoicing, celebrating and embracing one another but STOP ! Let's pump our breaks for a minute. What happens if a large percentage of our People carry with them the same mindset which harbors self hate, and other inhibitions responsible for stagnating their minds? You can take a withering plant, uproot it and replant it into different soil but if the roots of that plant are damaged due to neglect or other circumstances regardless to having new fertilized soil the plant will not sprout leaves. It is no secret that we have had many misdeeds inflicted upon us as well as our Ancestors but when do we stop and take a look at our own actions? How many crimes and murders took place in the inner cities in the last 5 years? How many of these incidents involved Black on Black crime? Look at the case of 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton who performed with her class at the Inauguration, and was gunned down one week later by two Black teens involved in a drive by shooting. These are senseless acts committed by our own People. We must take a closer look at these destructive behaviors. Let's focus for a moment on the Entertainers, Athletes and Public Figures of African descent who's salary falls well above the "wealthy" status, those who are deemed as being Millionaires and Billionaires. With all the successful entertainers, athletes etc. combined why is it that we as Africans do not have Black owned major retails such as Walmart, numerous Black owned banks schools, etc. We should have financial lenders eager to grant loans for potential home buyers. In 2010 up to 123.5 million acres of African land was purchased by wealthy investors. Asian and Middle East companies bought up 560 million acres of farmland in developing countries. There should be an outpouring of wealthy Black investors stepping up to purchase land and rescue Africa from the Land Grabs taking place.
I want to make it clear, I am not saying those responsible for placing the mental shackles on the minds of many of our People should merchants. We spend Billions of dollars but if we examine thnot accept blame for their actions. I am only pointing out the importance of taking responsibility for our own actions. We must examine how many People of African descent have contributed to the destruction of our People. I have also examined the path many of our youth are traveling. Many of them idolize rappers, singers and athletes but know nothing about their Ancestors or the great achievements made by those who stood on the front line fighting for the rights of Africans. How many of our young Queens look in the mirror and feel they are inadequate because of their Black skin, kinky hair, thick lips etc. The need for an intervention is great. There should be African centered schools and cultural establishments on every corner, teaching our youth the beauty of being African. It is vital to instill within them the values of being proud of who they are. Lastly, I want to point out the Black Economy. Statistics show that the Black dollar carries much weight with e direction in which our dollars are traveling we will see only a small percentage is going to Black owned businesses. Corporations target us when advertising high priced shoes, clothes, etc. because they know many will spend their last dime purchasing items used mainly for bragging rights. I read an article about a certain athletic shoe which was priced at $300 the report showed People of African descent being the main consumers of these shoes. We must open our eyes and take a look around us. When we do this, we will see why it is crucial to mend our ways and rise above Social Engineering. I am optimistic that we can evolve and BREAK FREE FROM MENTAL BONDAGE. We are resilient People who posses a great deal of Power but utilizing that Power requires knowing self, Uniting as one and obtaining global African Unity.
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